Social Oracles can either be people or machines. A set of social oracles are chosen at random to evaluate an…
By BitfariAdmin News
Bitfari has two kinds of ads: community and agency. Community ads are provided to foster collaboration and understanding among neighbors….
By BitfariAdmin News
Here’s a first look at the Bitfari protocol: ## ADS ## EVALUATE(LINK) — RETURNS EVALUATION RESULTS FLAG(LINK) – LINK CAN…
By BitfariAdmin News
Bitfari is a nested chain system. One chain connects screens, another connects customers and, finally, a virtual chain computes special…
By BitfariAdmin News
Introduction: More incentives than any other crypto It will not be atypical for a Bitfari economy participant to open…
By BitfariAdmin News
Bitcoin has notably demonstrated a blockchain-enabled store of value which offers the unbanked an alternative with cryptographically-secured transactions and high…