Frequently Asked Questions
Bitfari is 100% free to use for customers.
A Stacks wallet allows you to connect to the blockchain and verify your account belongs to the network.
Yes, you can.
Private screens can charge nothing or place a public fee to receive and display ads. The suggested fee is 25 cents for these types of publications.
Screen registration is free
Head to and create your account today.
Ads are reviewed by a set of computer programs called social oracles, a panel of auditors and pre-auditors, screen operators, and advertisers.
Bitfari dramatically reduces ad distribution costs. Contextual ads can appear on billboards for as low as 75 cents per impression. Screen operators can see and adjust these prices, also the price is adjusted sometimes due to bidding, zip code, etc.
We have an ad faucet that gives free ad slots where advertisers can display free ads in screens that have not yet been reviewed.
Yes, we have a special program for non-profits. Please email [email protected] for the details.
Nobody! Bitfari is an autonomous DAO running on top of the Stacks blockchain.
Customers are dynamically requested to become auditors and verify the screens are real and functioning. The application also includes filters, checks, and balances to avoid ad fraud.
The foundation will help some businesses and organizations with free screens during the beta testing period. Please email us.
Stacks is an L1 blockchain that runs pegged to Bitcoin and allows for the execution of smart contracts and the creation of Web 3.0 distributed applications.
The value of a fari (a whole unit of a Bitfari) is given by the number of screens connected to the network and the foot traffic exposed to them.