
Bitfari distributes ads to networks of screens. A network is a collection of physical or virtual screens. Sending your ad to a network allows choosing the type of device and setting that will project your ad.

Networks are identified by a BNS address (Bitcoin naming service) plus a wallet address that is either mapped to a single account (one screen) or to multiple accounts (a network of screens). Networks simplify targeting, ad rotation, payment, refunds, and, temporization. Bitfari can, for example, run ads inside a gym only when that gym is open. In order to do this, Bitfari connects to two sets of screens: physical screens (called real net), and virtual screens (called digital land).

Currently, Bitfari can connect to over 500K physical screens and billboards. We expect this number to grow into the millions and further. The Bitfari network of physical screens includes approximately 50K North American billboards, 250K global billboards, and over 250K indoor screens.

The most important physical screen networks are:

  • billboards.btc – which allows the projection of ads on real billboards across North America (global distribution coming soon!)
  • screens.btc – which allows the projection of ads on indoor screens globally (excluding billboards)
  • storefront.btc – which allows the projection of ads on storefronts
  • indoors.btc – which allows the projection of ads on indoor screens exclusively

Depending on the ad parameters, it could be also displayed on customers’ personal devices at the chosen locations (this allows Bitfari to accrue statistics like response and click-thru rates for ads projected on billboards and physical screens).

The most important virtual screen networks are:

  • osm.btc – place ads on digital land locations
  • geofence.btc – place ads on a geofence
  • panorama.btc – place ads on a point or area to be consumed via AR glasses
  • roads.btc – place ads to be consumed on AR windshields or in tablets while traveling by car
  • directmail.btc – distribute ads via email

The network of virtual screens is where ads can be projected and consumed using personal computers, AR glasses, smartphones, and other digital devices. Virtual screens include websites, emails, and digital land places (see There are over 800 million virtual screens but we expect that number to grow well into the billions.

Such a large number of screens allow Bitfari to be an incredibly granular, highly targeted, and relevant distribution network. This system is supported by hundreds of auditors, screen operators, and state-of-the-art software that can have ads running in hours and visible to millions of passersby.