1. A business sets up a smart screen that is not visible, turns off most of the time, or stops working.
a. Before the first payment is made, the screen should be audited by a critical mass of users with an installed a Bitfari smartphone app. At least three users will physically audit the screen, document their findings on the blockchain, and ascertain its state. After three random audits at three random times, the screen can be considered audited.
2. The reported size of the screen is different than that which is installed.
a. Auditors will check the screen size, as parts of the image projected will not show if the screen is of a different size as the one reported.
3. The screen is installed and then decommissioned
a. Random audits will find this and report the screen. After the screen is decommissioned in the blockchain, funds held in escrow for this purpose will be released to the Bitfari treasury and the account will be placed on hold.
4. The smart screen is installed in the right place but facing inwards.
a. An auditor will likely find this to be the case and alert the owner. If the screen is not fixed a failed audit will occur.
5. The screen is installed below eye level, damaged, dirty, covered, or unplugged
a. The auditors will fail the screen.
6. Multiple screens are installed on the computer but they are not linked
a. Auditors can inform the owner the screens are not linked, otherwise they will be paid like one.
7. The mining program is corrupted, or the machine became virus-infected
a. Owners are responsible for installing AV software on their computers. The Bitfari blockchain is resilient to these types of attacks. However, owners should monitor their accounts weekly to ensure funds are being received normally as Bitfari cannot issue refunds in this type of scenario.
8. A business owner disconnects the screen as soon as the auditor leaves
a. The frequency of auditing is automatically adjusted depending on the location and foot traffic of the business. Since screens are audited by passerby customers that open the Bitfari smartphone app or any other wallets connected to the service, the screen will be flagged, disconnected, and paused. The owner is not paid the period in between audits.
b. But the owner claims the screen was always visible
i. The level of service of the network agreed upon is contingent on having more than 50% of audited users report that they can see the screen.
9. A business owner displays a negative, offensive, cruel, inappropriate, or controversial ad in a space that was previously occupied by a Bitfari screen.
a. While this store owner might potentially face legal action brought upon by government agencies, this does not constitute a violation of our terms. Business owners are free to display what they wish on their storefronts.
10. Now bankrupt, after being sued by an angry customer the business owner from point 9 lashes out, hires a designer, a developer, and a forger. He then commissions the creation of a screen saver resembling a Bitfari ad, one that includes offensive ads, in order to harm the network.
a. This constitutes a violation of our agreement. However, the Bitfari blockchain is immutable, ads are immutable, and everything is stored in perpetuity. Meaning the business owner will be easily proven to be lying.
11. The same business owner now says his developers were connected to the Bitfari test net instead of its main net.
a. The same point above applies.
12. A storefront owner really gets creative and, after having brunch with his friend front point nine gets to work quite diligently. He buys a mac pro workstation, adds 1 TB of ram, virtualizes 100 instances of Microsoft Windows, connects 1 screen, and installs 100 different Bitfari ad showers (one on each virtual machine, he then installs a script that shifts randomly across virtual machines.
a. While we generally block multiple connections from the same IP with regards to connecting the blockchain for ad serving, it is clear that this business will serve multiple audits. Auditors will also see photos of the same screen impersonating different locations.
13. The same owner reflects, repents, and now has 10 virtual machines and 10 separate screens in his storefront at the airport.
a. Since the foot traffic might grant the business owner the amount of ad business required to sustain 10 screens and they are all independent now this might be ok if the business owner has different IPs for each VM. While this is ok, it is not optimal and the screens should be linked for maximum earnings.
14. Amazon EC2 instances are deployed with the Bitfari ad showing software. They have no screen whatsoever connected to them.
a. This will fail multiple tests; however, audits will be failed every time so no payment will be issued in this case.
15. Multiple ad-showing software is installed on a smart TV inside a bodega.
a. This might be ok in some weird instances. For example, the business owner is not getting any ads for nighttime showings. In this case, it might be ok to set up a script that shuts down Bitfari�s software by dusk and restarts it at dawn. However, if the screen fails audits because of performance issues, crashes, etc, the store owner will not get credit.
16. A clever store owner from Nepal installs 10 screens in his store but deploys them with a location falsifier software that tricks the system into reporting that his screens are in Times Square.
a. This man will fail his audits ten times and will not get credit. The screens in Times Square are showing different ads than the ones expected.
17. A group of teenagers has installed screens in the basement of his father�s office in a high-traffic downtown mall and several others in his home.
a. If the screens are not moved upstairs the auditors will not see them � fail.
b. His screens at home will not even qualify to be counted as storefront screens due to the foot traffic reported by oracles. That being said, he can benefit by using his private Bitfari screen to keep track of offers and current events. He can even set up a private dashboard.
18. A screen is installed on the 90th floor of a skyscraper that sits atop a very busy Manhattan street.
a. The screen will fail the audits, and the operator will get no payment.
19. One hundred screens are installed consecutively in all the storefronts of a busy Queens street. Could this confuse the network?
a. This will not confuse the network and will probably be a common scenario in several streets of America. Ads will be shown at random in order to not saturate customers. However, after attending a conference, a technician suggests consolidating and linking the screens, they try it, pass the audits and now they can show amazing ads that span dozens of screens and split the earnings.